
Major features

Visual Communication Design Department

Teaching features:This major relies on the cross-integration of "infrastructure and art" disciplines, with "brand design and cultural creativity" as the core of the profession, under the guidance of "brand construction, multi-dimensional derivation", to cultivate the application ability of brand value construction, project planning, visual expression, integration derivative, etc., highlighting the project-oriented, taking part in competitions to learn and university-enterprise integration teaching model. The faculty is strong with teaching staff, bringing together high level professors like Gerhard Mathias, a tenured professor from Kassel University in Germany and Klaus Hesse, dean of the Offenbach School of Design, and other top design masters at home and abroad. The design masters, industry experts , professional teachers have formed an excellent teaching team, following the master studio, expert workshops and other forms to build a multi-dimensional training space and practice base to transport practical creative design talents or the design units.

Teachers’ and students’achievements:the China Design Red Star Award, Bauhaus International Design Competition Award, the 25th Golden Calf Award, the works were selected in the National Art Exhibition, Chongqing Art Exhibition; co-organizing the National University Digital Contest, hosting the 2019 University Students Highway Service Area Innovation and Creative Design Contest.

Employment Features:In the past three years, the initial employment rate of graduates has exceeded 92%, providing the design units of major state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises and design companies with urgent-needed"one-size-fits-all" composite design talents in fields of cultural creativity and project planning, brand promotion and promotion, project creative and visual packaging, project proposal and publication design, dynamic video and UI user experience design, Internet media and website design.


Product Design Department

Teaching features:This specialty is based on the development needs of the fashion industry, adhering to the German "Bauhaus" modern design system, fashion product design (bags, jewelry) as the professional focus, The” dual-teacher” teaching staff is composed of the international design experts, industry experts, senior technicians and professional teachers;

Thedepartment highlightstheproject-led,Isai-ledschool-enterpriseintegration teachingmodel and paysattentionto students' character shaping and thinking and politicaleducation,which forms the "artandfashion"talenttrainingcharacteristics.Approved by theMinistry of HumanResources andSocial Security, we provide the country's only leather goods(bags), jewelry designers professional qualification, relying on the provincial and ministerial level "Jiaotong University design, created by students" fashion space incubation platform, the implementation of "theoretical learning and practical training" of the "Workshop" tutor studio system, to carryout the training of the whole process of"creativity - design - finished product production" .

Teachers’ and students’achievements:The iF International Design Award, China Design Red Star Award have been won. Design works have been to Europe many times, selected for the National Exhibition, the World Industrial Design Congress and other professional exhibitions;

In the national college students industrial design competition, China International bag leather design competition and other competitions many awards have been won by our teachers and students. The department also completed five national, provincial and ministerial-level college students’ innovation and entrepreneurship training projects and organized the "SEE MODEL SEE BAG" original fashion design and model competitions.

Employment features:In the past three years, the initial employment rate of graduates has exceeded 90%, with large state-owned enterprises, well-known enterprises in coastal areas, design (group) companies extensive cooperation has been set up, graduates are mainly engaged in fashion design, advanced customization, creative research and development, trend analysis and design management and other related work;Atthesametime,combinedwiththecollege's"trafficandart"characteristics,graduateshaveenteredthetransportationdesigninstituteandwell-knownstate-ownedenterprises,state-ownedenterprisesemployment.

Environment Design Department

Teaching features:Relying on the advantages of l transportation industry of the university, thedepartment cultivates talentsof interdisciplinary development andthetraining of composite applied design talents are carried out with the characteristics of "bridge and art", "city and art" and "service area and art".

The department implements professional tutor system, project-leading, school-enterprise collaborative education and other teaching methods, advocating three-in-one teaching team of international design experts, industry experts and professional teachers and also created "traffic and art" interdisciplinary joint science and innovation center, bridge art aesthetics joint research center, as well asthe interdisciplinary and school-enterprise collaborative platform "Meng Fanchao and Zengqiang Studio" co-founded by the department and CCCC, which creates excellent environment for talent cultivation.

Teachers’ and students’achievements:In 2019, students won the first prize in the World University Bridge Design Competition, and the double special prize in the "Mao Yisheng Public Welfare Bridge - Small Bridge Project" Design Competition. As the only representative of Chongqing, the "Traffic and Art" Road bridge landscape design experimental class was selected as the 54th China Higher Education Expo "School-Enterprise Cooperation Double Hundred Plan".

Employment features:In the past three years, the initial employment rate of graduates has exceeded 90% in a row. Graduates with "traffic and art" composite ability can be fully competent in the transportation industry,state-owned enterprises, design institutes, interior decoration design engineering companies, landscape design engineering companies, transportation engineering companies and other enterprises and departments related to the design and management. Graduates have entered CCCC, China Railway, China Construction, China Metallurgical and other well-known enterprises as employment.